We are faced hundreds of times a day with decisions – some big, some small. And we all know the difference from right and wrong.
When I was young, in my mid-twenties, while pondering what it would be like to be older – much older, I came to what seemed like a brilliant epiphany. It went something like this; the success of a happy, satisfying life in your senior years will depend on creating beautiful memories.
And how one creates beautiful memories is to make really good decisions as we go. We are faced hundreds of times a day with decisions – some big, some small. And we all know the difference from right and wrong.
There’s a funny feeling somewhere in your body when you consider making a wrong choice. It may be in your stomach, a little short of breath or even sweaty palms. It’s different for everyone.

Once you recognize that, it can become your litmis test for decision-making.
Acting wisely with this information will pretty much guarantee a life with beautiful memories with very few regrets. I am so grateful to have had that moment to ponder.